Xander is a year old now, and he is crawling all over the place. He isnt ready to walk yet, but before we know it he will be running!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Visit with Family
Xander is a year old now, and he is crawling all over the place. He isnt ready to walk yet, but before we know it he will be running!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Winter Wonderland!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Snow in the Valley!
We made a sleding hill on our drive way with a jump at the bottom. The boys had great fun. Then we had to upgrade to a much bigger hill! This is Boaz and a neighbor girl going down the big hill.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Here is Boaz drawing a turkey.
Jacoby is buttering our bread cornucopia, it was beautiful and delicious.
Trip to California

There was a public fishing peer that we went out on and some people had just caught a fish when we got there. The guy let Boaz throw the fish back in the water for him. Boaz is always up for touching something gross and fishy!
The highlight of the trip for the boys was our tour of the Jelly Belly facotry! They thought it was just as good as Disneyland. There was candy everywhere, a free tasting bar, seeing how they make candy, etc. This picture that the boys are standing in front of is fully made of Jelly Bellies! It took about 10,000 to make!
Here is another picture of Ronald Regan. Antie Heidi would have loved it here, there were pictures of Ronald Regan everywhere! I didnt realize it, but Jelly Bellies were not a very big thing until Ronald Regan was elected as president. They were his favorite candy so the Jelly Bellies were discovered by the country and their business skyrocketed since. They have alot of Regan paraphailia since they owe their success to him.
