Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Working on the Drift Boat

The boys are working hard to get the drift boat ready to go floating down the John Day River for our annual fishing trip. They are busy trying to remove the old paint to give her a fresh coat. The boys want to name the boat "Jammy Dodger" like the one in the movie flushed away. But I am not sure that I want to name our boat after a sewer rat's boat!

There are so many places that we can use our drift boat here in the valley this summer. The boys really want to catch some sturgeon over here. They have heard that they get to be huge so they want to catch one.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Jacoby and Boaz' Special Song

Here is a video of Jacoby and Boaz singing "The Birds Upon the Tree Tops". Boaz sang this as a special the other day at Church. He did much better at church than he did for this video. during the song when he stops he said to me "Ah, Man, I messed up... can we start again". Then later when he was watching himself on the vide he said, "That's when I got the beat" about the part where he started dancing. He got his dancing ability form his dad!

Family Pictures

My wonderful sister has taken some great family pictures, and I wanted to share them with you. If you want a copy of them you can visit her website at http://www.heidinelsonphotography.com/ go to the link that "Contact" at the top and you can e-mail her and she will give you a password to log on to her site and you can order them from her there. She did a great job on them! I am amazed at how big the boys have been getting and how blue Boaz' eyes are in these pictures. Our nephew Xander is getting very big also and was such a good baby for the pictures! There are a lot of other ones on her web site that are great also.

Friday, April 11, 2008


The boys had their first T-Ball practice yesterday. It was funny watching the running all over the place and fighting for the ball. They have not figured out the team sport idea. it will come soon enough.

Time to get online

We have been wondering how to keep our family up to date with all that is going on. So we decided to start a blog site. Hopefully we will be able to keep this up to date, so you can stay up to date with the things going on in our lives. Let us know what you think.