Monday, April 28, 2008

Jacoby and Boaz' Special Song

Here is a video of Jacoby and Boaz singing "The Birds Upon the Tree Tops". Boaz sang this as a special the other day at Church. He did much better at church than he did for this video. during the song when he stops he said to me "Ah, Man, I messed up... can we start again". Then later when he was watching himself on the vide he said, "That's when I got the beat" about the part where he started dancing. He got his dancing ability form his dad!


The LaChance's said...

Awesome boys!! You did a great job and really sang it out into the spoons! We love you...Gma & Papa

Other Mammie said...

I was 'knocking' on the wall, did you hear me?

Anonymous said...

You boys are rock stars!