Lance's Cousin Travis and his wife, Debi, came over for a visit on Saturday. They have two daughters that are about the same age as Jacoby and Boaz. They had a lot of fun playing together. Here is a video of Travis playing the guitar for them while the kids dance and sing with him. It was too fun!
Here is Jacoby, Laura, Brook and Boaz making a train around the living room.
Brook is 5 years old and she is so smart, she can name all the planets, even in order!
Laura is the little one, she is 4 years old and is always smiling, she is way too cute! Her sister was trying to get her to name the planets also, but she was laughing and smiling too much to say them for us.

After Travis and his family left the boys went up stairs to get their pajamas on. This is how they looked when they came down: