Thursday, February 12, 2009


We were able to go to OMSI for a special Home School Science lab. It was about Salmon and Pond Scum! Right up the boy's alley!

Here they got to work on a river for salmon, they were able to put logs and rocks and move the sand than things as the water ran through.

They enjoyed constructing a river. Boaz put sea lions up on top of the rocks and then he placed his fox, dear and bear in the river, under the water to swim! The teacher laughed pretty hard at that, but his reasoning is so that they could catch the salmon to eat them!

Here is the pond scum. They were able to catch little critters out of this water and put them in a dish to look at under microscopes. Jacoby caught 2 tiny shrimp and a live snail.

Lance even had to get in on the action of looking at critters under the microscope.

Here Boaz is looking at the snail that he caught.

They also got to feed these live salmon.

After we finished the lab we got to go through the whole museum. This was Boaz and Jacoby's favorite part. This static ball would make these metal pie tins fly out of your hands as it was generating the static electricity. I could feel my hair being pulled up off my head and toward the ball every time someone cranked the wheel!

The boys enjoyed this part of it also! All three of them.

Trip to the Beach

We spent three days last week in Newport for a Pastor's and Preacher's Conference. While we were there, we were able to go to the beach and it was actually nice and sunny (Only the first day)! Jacoby and Boaz were happy because they got to see Elizabeth and Abigail Barker again! It always brightens their day when they get to see their girlfriends.

I am amazed at how tall they have gotten since we say them last!
This is Andrew, Elizabeth and Abigail's baby brother. He is already 7 months old, I got to hold him and hog him for three whole days! He is such a sweet baby, and is starting to crawl already.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Mighty Hunter!

Here is a video of Jacoby shooting his BB gun. Every chance he gets he wants to go shoot it. The second shot in the video, he gets one of the targets, you can hear the ding sound when it hits.